The CD CoverMy promotional package challanges forms from other media products. To create my CD cover design I mostly wanted to create a cover that emphasises my narrative which expresses the songs title quite literally "Let the Sun Shine" I

began by taking pictures of sunlight with a Sony Ericksson W610i cameraphone in my garden which was my first rough idea however I began to develop a final solid idea with the picture due to lack of ideas and planning from the other members of my group. My contribution idea had no choice but to become the final photo for the CDs front cover. Using the "Photoshop" application on the Apple MAC I was

able to manipulate the pictures Brightness and Contrast; giving my photo a moody and mysterious vibe to it which would emphasise the B&W effect that was used in the Music Video. While altering my picture I introduced purple to the blue sky to make it seem more bazaar yet beautiful and interesting to look at. This basic picture would probably echo the simple yet iconic

CD covers used throughout the decades such as Pink Floyds "Dark Side of the Moon" etc. After creating this beautiful illusion I had to create a font that would also echo the song created by Distraction. The colour of sunshine I thought would go perfectly with the dark background in order to make it really stand out to audiences however there was a problem because I was never satisfied of the layout of both the album title and the band name. The typeface that I wanted would have

worked really well however it came with a white border that I was unable to remove as I found it on the internet. I then decided to form them as almost a crossword puzzle as one letter in both names can link them vertically and horizontally (using the standard text feature on Photoshop) I altered the size of the photo and stretched it across the front, spine and back cover of the CD, on the back I added additional fake songs to the setlist; turning the sin

gle into an album (more cover songs) To begin with I wanted to take screenshots from my Music Video and place them next to each other to create a chessboard layout in the inner cover next to the disc. I chose pictures that expressed the style and emotion that I wanted to create which also paid tribute to the David Fincher style; in a nutshell it was just beautiful to look at onscreen. After some guidance from my tutor I had decided to change the plain chessboard layout look and place the individual pictures next to each other in the form of a negative filmstrip with the authentic borders around the pictures as well. This created that "rough but cool" image that I wanted for the band.
The Print AdvertFor the Print Advert I had to use Photoshop on Apple MAC once again however

I did feel that the quality of my potential advertisement will be as strong as my CD Cover if I kept with this particular programme. I thought it would be a good idea to re-use some of the interesting effects that I had created on my CD cover; copy and paste that onto the Print Advert. Powerpoint might come into the mix because I had originally created a Concert Ad as a first draft; so again I will be able to copy and paste original ideas and

edit them on Photoshop like I edited my Garden photos on Photoshop and made them project a symbolic mood to the audience. I have often seen Print Adverts in such famous magazines such as Nuts, Zoo, Rolling Stone, Heat etc. and these have given be a basic idea because I didnt really want to create "just another" Print Ad like all the rest, I wanted mine to stand out and really catch attention. I added 'fake' quotes to the Print Ad to give more publicity and it will further help to attract an audience as they will gain an experts point of view on the CD; it is the same with star ratings. These things help an audience make their decision.
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