Print Advert: Kid Rock Concerts"Kid Rock" is all in Large Capitals which obviously will dominate the advertisement, which also includes another large title in different font (adding more of a retro classic rock feel to the upcoming concert) It is also an intertextuality reference to Lynard Skynard (will be performing cover songs) Most of the poster is taken up by the ludacrisly oversized title however it still includes quick answers to questions a potential audience may have (Date, Price, Location, Website, Special Offers, Sponsor & Fireworks) these come in a wider range of colours due to logo design; brightening up the poster. "Rock Rebels 2009" is not a logo for a major company but just a symbol of representation of the fans and bands of rock and roll to make this concert become more genuine and true, avoiding to look like a poser concert (makes it look alot cooler as well) a very distinctive graphic.

Seeing Kid Rock on the front cover of Rolling Stone magazine is definatly a represntation and obvious point that he is moving up in the hall of fame with his music and star image. Rolling Stone is a very well known music magazine, one of the highest ranking mags in the USA which has extended its reach going almost worldwide. The wacky interview topics beside Kid Rocks picture is bound to catch people eye and tickle their fancy. This may be presented in some form of inspiration to young musical prodigy that need a hero and role model to follow and start off in their footsteps. This was a great oppertunity and a great way to market his career "people and subscribers will buy and read the magazine and will most likely end up purchasing his music and

potential future music he will create" His extremely strange fasion sense will give him attension and cause readers to either show some strange sign of respect or to just think he is weird nevertheless this image makes him stand out in the rock genre and gives him his own style to be remembered by many. Also appearing as a bit of a ladies man can have a general positive effect on his star image as well.
Dating Pamela Anderson is definatly going to cause alot of young male teens to look up to this man and aim to be like him.
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